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Dark Matters
an interrogation of thresholds of (im)perceptibility through theoretical cosmology, fine art and anthropology of science
research team
Rebecca Ellis
Kostas Dimopoulos
Sarah Casey
Advisory group
studio blog
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Emerging ideas and objects
Withdrawn objects
Combining the 'invisible ink' with burn drawing from reverse. Object apears to be concealed within or beneath the page, pushing through...
dark nets
Drawing the cage again, this time on indigo paper - a dense dark reflective paper. counter intutively using dark blue in on dark blue...
Thinking about topographies, and the sense of barriers and limits, I recalled the 'cages' used to house sandflies in biomedical research....
out of reach
Thinking of the coal drawings as distant topgraphies I experiemented with scale, working from the drawings in my notebook of the coal to...
Shadow play
Playing with piercing the surface and the shadows cast. The 'drawing' is not the material paper support but the movement of shadow on the...
mirror worlds
Thinking of mirror worlds, shadows, realms which exist up against us but are distant, I played around with simply looking at my drawings...
Advisory group meeting 2
We met with our advisory group panel on May 5th 2015.
no smoke without fire
Emptying out the contents of my stove, I found half burnt lumps of coal disfigured and distorted. Instead of a homogenous dark mass, here...
barrier of darkness
So I attemted various ways to draw the balls, from scrutinisng their surfaces, enlarging them, refelcting them. I returned to the idea of...
drawing dark objects
Refecting on the first 5 months of the project, I found the deeply imperceptible of both cosmology and speculative realism presented a...
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